A Reminder of Your Worthiness

by on September 4, 2020 0

Hi my dear friends, I hope that whatever this week has brought you, you can find some happiness and relief here today! This week I want to dive in to the topic of worthiness, it’s something that I’ve been thinking about and dissecting a lot in my life personally, and as we all know, when...

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The Life Changing Practice of Surrender

by on September 4, 2020 0

Hi my sweet friends! This week I want to share some thoughts I have with you about the practice of surrender. As much as we may wish otherwise, life is completely unpredictable and uncontrollable, and I know this year has proven this to be completely true. As the days and weeks and months continue...

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One Simple Practice to Shift Your Energy

by on September 4, 2020 0

My dear friends, I know that the blogs we have been producing over the past few months have been heavier in nature and in message. It’s my intention to hopefully provide tangible tools, insights, or even a message of solidarity to help you all navigate through these difficult moments that we find ourselves in....

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Think Less, Sense More: How to Get Out of Your Own Way

by on September 4, 2020 0

“I believe in intuitions and inspirations…I sometimes FEEL that I am right. I do not KNOW that I am.” ~Albert Einstein I’ve been thinking a lot. Maybe you have too? There’s a lot to think about these days. I’m taking in information, processing new ideas, adapting the conditions of my life to the current...

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The 11 Most Common Myths About Highly Sensitive People

by on September 4, 2020 1

“I used to dislike being sensitive. I thought it made me weak. But take away that single trait, and you take away the very essence of who I am. You take away my conscience, my ability to empathize, my intuition, my creativity, my deep appreciation of the little things, my vivid inner life, my...

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3 Nature Therapy Exercises to Help You Live in the Now

by on September 4, 2020 0

“Nature is the best medicine for serenity. Peace. Calmness. Stillness. It’s good for the heart.” ~Karen Madwell I was looking for a way to stop obsessing over the future. I’d spent my adult life as an underground musician, and it had been wonderful for the large part. The thing is, it wasn’t good for me...

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5 Things I Let Go When I Was Tired of Playing the Victim

by on September 4, 2020 3

“Placing the blame or judgment on someone else leaves you powerless to change your experience; taking responsibility for your beliefs and judgment gives you the power to change them.” ~ Byron Katie I will never forget the day a dear friend of mine told me I sounded like a victim. I can recall I...

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Pain is Not Purposeless: How to See the Meaning

by on September 4, 2020 0

“Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at the moment.” ~Eckhart Tolle Have you ever felt a general dissatisfaction with where you are in life? Ever felt like...

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Why I Chose Men Who Hurt and Abandoned Me

by on September 4, 2020 0

“They say that abandonment is a wound that never heals. I say only that an abandoned child never forgets.” ~Mario Balotelli Loss is never an easy experience. However, it is a part of life, so we need to accept it and find ways to cope with it in order to keep moving forward. Whether...

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What Is Grit and How to Develop It for a Successful Life

by on September 4, 2020 0

Have you ever met someone who thrives through adversity, and who transforms their pain into opportunities for growth? In her book, Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance, Angela Duckworth describes these types of people as possessing grit. From her research, she has found that grit is what separates those who are successful from...

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